Family Vacation

Family Vacation

Saturday, August 13, 2011


We are home from the vacation that wasn't. I'll start my story at the beginning...

We left for Cape Cod on Monday morning, the drive was good. We got to the house we were renting around 1 and started to unpack and unload the cars. We also went grocery shopping to get ready for the rest of the week. Then we met some family at the beach for a night-time concert. It was a good day, as good as a day can be spending it traveling.

Tuesday we went to Provincetown to take Nathan whale watching, he was VERY excited to go on a big boat and see whales. While we were walking around I noticed Trevor was cranky and felt warm, I figured he was getting more teeth. I gave him tylenol and we got on the boat. I was a little nervous since I usually get seasick but this time I was fine. Trevor was very fussy and whined for a while until he finally fell asleep. We saw tons of whales and Nathan was thrilled to pieces to see a whale jump out of the water! He told anyone who would listen that the whale jumped out of the water, he was so happy. Then it was time to go back to the harbor and it started to sprinkle so we all went inside the boat. Trevor was sound asleep in the carrier but was like a furnace on my chest. He slept most of the way in until we were about 15 minutes out then he woke up cranky! He cried and cried until I got up, I started to walk around with him and then a woman says to me "he's throwing up on you" I looked down and Trevor had gotten sick all over. Katherine and I took him outside and stripped him down to get out of the puke clothes, I took my sweatshirt off since that was also dirty and then we wrapped Trevor in my sister's sweatshirt. By this time he was burning up but we couldn't do much for him. When we got to shore we gave him more tylenol and walked to the car. We drove home (a 45 minute drive) and then checked his temperature, it was 105.7. Katherine and I took him to the ER, after Ginny went to the neighbor's house to find out where the hospital was. We spent 6 hours in the hospital with Trevee. They put an IV in him, did bloodwork, urine tests and an x-ray. Everything came back normal so they sent him home with a prescription for "just in case" antibiotics and called it a viral illness.

Trevor was sick until the day we left. He got tylenol every 4 hours all week just to kepe his temp under control. He slept all day every day. He drank apple juice and ate nothing. I watched a lot of TV.

Nathan had a great time with his Aunt Lisa, Aunt Katherine, Aunt Trisha, Ginny, and of course Mimi. They all went to the beach where he got to catch hermit crabs. They went mini golfing, it was pirate mini golf and he still talks about how fun it was. He went into the ocean to kick water at Aunt Lisa and scare her. He had so much fun. He told me he wants to go back to the beach again. He cried when we left, he wanted to go to the beach again.

Finally on our last day Trevor was feeling better so Trevor, Nathan, Aunt Trisha, Aunt Lisa and myself all went to the go-karts. It was going to be fun since Trevor could go on with everyone else. We paid for our ride and then stood in line. We were surrounded on every side by people since it's a fun attraction. Then I hear Lisa say "it just came out" I look over and I see Nathan holding his shirt and starting to panic, his feeding tube had come out and he was scared. Aunt Trisha took Trevor from me and I went to the car to get the syringe to deflate the balloon so I could put the tube back in. Much to my horror I didn't have the syringe with me, I didn't have one at all. That only meant one thing: ambulance. We needed to get the tube back in and that was the only way I could think of. So I asked the woman who worked at the go-kart place to call me an ambulance and explained to her what was going on. She called and then people came. We took Nathan out of line, took his shirt off and used that to stop the bile from coming out the hole and then went to a little seating area to sit down. We sat down and then a police car came, 1 cop was inside. He made sure we weren't in an emergency and then called the ambulance and told them to keep coming. Then the ambulance arrived, with lights and sirens. Nathan was thrilled with the lights and sirens! Then it happened, not 1 not 2 and not even 3 paramedics came out, there were 5 of them, 5 paramedics surrounded us to reinsert a feeding tube. I told them what I needed, they gave it to me and the tube was put back in. Then Nathan panicked that he wasn't going to go on the go-karts and he was going to go in the ambulance. We assured him he was going to get to go in the go-karts and walked back over to wait in line. The whole incident happened so fast that the same people who were behind us (and witnessed the incident) were now in the front of the line. They all let Nathan go ahead of them, it was so nice.

The woman who worked there let Nathan go on twice since he was so brave! It was so nice to see people who were so sweet to him after his little incident.

So our vacation didn't exactly go as planned. Trevor and I never even made it to the beach, oh well there's always next year.

Pictures to come later. I didn't take any since I wasn't involved in any of the fun!

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